Male Breast Reduction: Preparation & Recovery

Male Breast Reduction: How to Prepare for Surgery

Men who struggle with gynecomastia (commonly called “man boobs”) may feel insecure and embarrassed about their physique. In recent years, many men have opted for plastic surgery to help them achieve their aesthetic goals, and those with excessive breast tissue often look into undergoing gynecomastia surgery. Gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction, is designed to eliminate excess fatty tissue in a man’s chest to achieve a more toned and masculine appearance.

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While prepping for surgery can seem a bit overwhelming, here are a few tips to help ease any stress and uneasiness before the big day.

Talk to Your Surgeon

Gynecomastia surgery can have a significant and long-lasting impact on your body. It is important to understand the necessary steps to take in preparation for your procedure. When preparing for gynecomastia surgery, you should schedule a consultation to discuss any health or medical conditions you have had or may be currently experiencing with your doctor. Establishing a communicative relationship with your surgeon is essential for a successful procedure. Good communication will help Dr. Ip determine the best surgical approach to achieve your desired results.

You can make sure you are well-informed about your surgery by asking the following questions:

  • Am I a good candidate?
  • What type of anesthesia will be used and what are the effects?
  • How long my the surgery take?
  • What will my recovery be like?
  • What are the potential risks or side effects associated with my surgery?

Schedule Time Off

The amount of time you will need to recover after your surgery will depend on the type of work you do. Patients who work a desk job may only need to request a few days off after their surgery. However, those with a physically strenuous job that requires heavy lifting may need to take up to two weeks off.

Arrange a Ride Home

Obtaining a caretaker before your scheduled procedure is also an excellent way to prepare. Be sure you have a friend or relative ready to transport you to and from the hospital the day of your surgery, as you will likely be unable to drive yourself. You should also have a backup ride in case an emergency occurs.

What to Avoid

You will be asked to stop drinking and smoking for four weeks before and after your gynecomastia procedure. Drinking and smoking before any surgery can have unpredictable effects and cause health-related issues, such as extensive bleeding, internal damage, infection, poor wound healing, and other surgical complications. You must also avoid any foods and medications that can thin your blood, such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

Male Breast Reduction: Recovery Guide

If you are a man who has just undergone gynecomastia surgery, you are probably asking yourself how to go about handling your recovery. Overall, recovering from surgery can be an easy process, but for some men, it may come as a challenge. These helpful tips can ensure that you have a safe and speedy recovery.

Recovery Guide Checklist

Follow Your Surgeon’s Advice

One of the first and most important things to do during your recovery is to get the proper amount of rest to keep your health up. Making sure you carefully follow every instruction your surgeon gives you can result in a smooth recovery. These instructions may include the following:

  • Do not bathe after your procedure.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Do not engage in sexual activities for at least three weeks.
  • Clean your incisions with care.

Not only is it important to take your surgeon’s instructions to heart, but attending your follow-up appointment is essential for your recovery. Even if you feel fine, making an appointment with your surgeon allows him or her to check your wounds and incisions for proper healing, as well as make sure no additional complications arise in the near further.

Male Breast Reduction Before and After Photos

Prevent Infection

While your incisions may look unflattering following your gynecomastia surgery, taking steps to reduce your risk of developing an infection is another thing you can do to ensure a quick and comfortable recovery. Always wash your hands before handling or cleaning the treated area. Your surgeon will tell you what to look for during your recovery and when you should contact him. A few questions you to ask yourself when caring for your incisions may include:  

  • Do my incisions look dark pink or red?
  • What color are they?
  • Are the stitches or staples still intact?
  • Is there swelling at the site?
  • Is there any drainage from incisions?

Doing this on a daily basis can help you determine if the area is healing well or if it has become infected.

Although recovering from surgery is not the most fun experience, maintaining your health will result in a good recovery. The pay off will be well worth it, and you will look and feel great about your newly sculpted chest.

If you are interested in gynecomastia surgery, you can contact Dr. Ip today by calling one of his locations to set up a consultation. Call his Beverly Hills, CA, office at (310) 839-0776, his Newport Beach, CA, office at (949) 548-0300, or his New York City, NY, office at (855) 742-8800.

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