Restoring Your Youthful Appearance with Botox

Benefits you can enjoy with Botox

Wrinkles are the most obvious signs of aging. Once wrinkles start to appear, you also begin to lose your youthful appearance. Since there is no way to stop the aging process, you might as well focus your attention on reversing its signs. Here at our Newport Beach facial rejuvenation practice, you can take years off your face with Botox. A lot of our patients choose Botox over other facial rejuvenation treatments because of its many benefits. Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy with Botox.

It is not an invasive procedure. A lot of people want to restore their youthful look but do not wish to undergo surgery. A facelift is not your only option. Botox injections can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and make you look younger without the need for surgery.

It is effective. Botox effectively reverses the signs of aging with effects that last for 3 to 12 months.

The procedure is virtually painless. You will feel little to no pain during injections. Most patients say that the sensation can be compared to a mosquito bite. Also, the sensation goes away in a few seconds.

It is a quick and safe procedure. Botox is approved by the FDA. Treatments are also quick and can be completed in 15 minutes. If you have a busy schedule, you can have treatments during lunch break. Botox will not disrupt your daily schedule.

It has very minimal to no downtime. You can go back to work and resume routine activities immediately after treatment.

For more information on Botox and to schedule your treatment, give us a call today at 949-548-0300. We look forward to hearing from you!

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