When to Postpone Your Tummy Tuck

It can be very rewarding to have a well-toned and firm abdomen after working hard in the gym and religiously sticking to your diet. Exercise and diet work for some people, but it also causes problems to those who cannot get rid of stubborn fat despite working so hard. A protruding abdomen is usually caused by pregnancy, significant weight loss, and the normal effects of aging. You can choose to ignore the fat deposits in your abdominal region or get better-looking abs through tummy tuck.

Tummy tuck can give you a smoother and firmer abdomen. Then again, not everybody is a good candidate for the procedure. There are times when it is best to delay any plans of having a tummy tuck.

Postpone your tummy tuck if you are a woman who wants to have more kids. The best time to have a tummy tuck is after you are done bearing children. During a tummy tuck, tightening of the vertical muscles is done. If you get pregnant in the future, the muscles can be separated.

Delay your tummy tuck plans if you want to lose a significant amount of weight. You can have your tummy tuck after you lose weight and intend to maintain that weight.

Reconsider a tummy tuck if scarring is a concern. A tummy tuck may cause scars that are prominent and permanent. If you do not want any scars, it is best that you reconsider your decision. During your consultation with Dr. Ip, you will have a discussion about the procedure including the possibility of scarring.

To find out if you are a good candidate for tummy tuck, set an appointment with Dr. Ip by calling 949-548-0300 or filling out this online contact form. We look forward to your visit!


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