Who Are Good Candidates for Liposuction?

Liposuction remains to be one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures today. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were about 200,000 liposuction cases last year. The procedure ranks fourth in the top 5 cosmetic surgical procedures of 2013. Liposuction can give you a better figure by reshaping your body and removing excess fat from certain areas of the body, such as the abdomen, arms, neck, thighs, and hips. Here at our Newport Beach plastic surgery practice, Dr. Ip performs liposuction only after determining if a person is a good candidate for the procedure.

Am I a good candidate for liposuction?

  • A good candidate for liposuction has realistic expectations. It is important to know what the procedure can do and what it cannot do. Liposuction can give you a trim and lean figure, but it should not be regarded as a tool for weight loss.
  • A good candidate has stubborn fat deposits that do not go away with diet and exercise.
  • An ideal candidate has a relatively normal weight. A normal and stable weight is essential in achieving optimal results.
  • A good candidate for the procedure has firm and elastic skin since liposuction removes fat and not loose skin. Older people may still be considered good candidates since candidacy is not determined by age. However, a lot of older people have skin that is less flexible and may not achieve optimal results from the procedure.

For more information on liposuction and to find out if you are a good candidate, request a personal consultation with Dr. Ip today by calling 949-548-0300. You can also fill out this online contact form to reserve a consultation with Dr. Ip. We look forward to hearing from you!

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